Ascension Day of Discovery
The Day of Discovery is a process that helps individual congregations discover their unique purpose in furthering the mission of Christ from their particular territory within the diocese. It is an energizing day centering on conversations about who we are when we are at our best and what we value as a community of faith. It is also a time to express our hopes for the future.
The Day of Discovery provides input from the congregation directly to the vestry and clergy leadership as they work on articulating goals and identifying the core values of the congregation. Identifying goals and core values will help us define not only the gifts and strengths we have to offer to in assisting our clergy in the work of ministry, but will also help us identify what characteristics we would like our clergy to focusing on developing for this work. This information also makes clear to newcomers or others in the wider community that we are serious about our faith and how we live out that faith.
A Day of Discovery has been scheduled for Church of the Ascension on February 29, 2020, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Canon Martha Ishman will be leading our work. Childcare and lunch will be provided. Every person in the congregation is a valued child of God. Every person has a story to share about his or her church community. No one else can tell your story. Please plan to participate and encourage others to do so as well.