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As a church family, we strive to be faithful to our Baptismal promise to “seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving our neighbors as ourselves.” We do this in a number of ways. We offer financial assistance to those in need through dedicated gifts to area agencies through our operating budget and to individuals through our alms fund. Each week, we offer a free to-go lunch on Fridays from 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Throughout the year, we host a Blessing Box where anyone in need can take food and we collect donations at our worship services for Destinations, the Salvation Army Food Bank, the Friendship Table (where local people can have a hot meal every weekday), the YWCA, the SPCA and other community organizations. We host a Second Harvest Mobile Food Pantry at the church every month that provides perishable food and fresh produce to 100 families in need at each distribution. We participate in the annual ELF Fund drive to provide gifts to be distributed to children in need in the Bradford area. We provide scholarships for 4 children in the Dominican Republic to attend Episcopal schools through the Episcopal Diocese of the Dominican Republic. We also sponsor several oversees missionaries and send out our own youth and adult domestic mission teams.

2nd Harvest food distribution

2nd Harvest Mobile Food Pantry Distribution at Ascension